How is Spiral Binding Different from Wire Binding?


There are different techniques of binding, of which wire and spiral binding are the two. These types involve varying methods which makes them distinct from the others. The basic difference between these items is their appearance and the abilities of the brochure. Generally, the printing item you need with a wire or spiral binding will either have to be very professional or is said to be constant in the case of spiral binding. 

The leading binding wire manufacturer in your locality will be able to provide you with the classifications. Here we are going to know about wire and spiral binding techniques and also their differences. 

What is spiral binding? 

Spiral binding, also known as coil binding is a method of joining pages and covers of a bounded manuscript. Plastic or metal coil is used that is placed into it. Then the coil or plastic is twisted through tiny holes whacked along the spinal rim of the book's cover and pages. The coil gets joined with the pages and covers allowing them to open without any hindrance. 

Spiral binding is one of the popular binding processes offered by manufacturers. Though it's not cost-effective, it has its advantages which you can understand after using a catalog made from this type of binding. 

What is wire binding? 

Binding wire is a very widespread binding process for documents. In this method, users put the punched document within a "c” shaped wire binding component and then use a wire to crinkle the crest until it becomes round. This type of binding is also called "wire-o” binding and is available in two types, they are: 

·       Double loop wire binding 

·       Wire comb binding 

The double-loop wire binding method requires a binding machine along with a wire closer to it. In wire binding or "wire-o” binding, you can get various colour options as well as different wire sizes. All of these depend on the printing type you have. Wire binding is opted for by businesses because this process gives a lot more professional look than spiral binding. 

Wire binding is mainly used in formal exhibitions or professional environments because it is made up of metal. 

Difference between spiral binding and wire binding 

The main difference between these binding types lies in the material used. Plastic is used in spiral binding to publish copies. On the other hand, metal is used in wired bindings. The process opted for frequently depends on what purpose you need the copies. If you don't need the copies daily, the spiraled option can prove to be cost-effective without scaling down the functionality. 

Wired versions are ideal for catalogs and manuscripts that are used every day. Spiral binding is quite frequently used for papers that is used for a class or a seminar. Wire binding has various names including wire-o. The comb and double-loop wire binding come up in multiple sizes and colours, depending on the penultimate usage of the copies and customer preferences. In contrast with wired binding, spiral binding functions in a bit different way. The rims of the printed paper must contain pre-punched holes to put in the spiral. It also gives you a lot of options. 

Spiral binding wire also takes less time which makes it favorable for conferences, classes, and workshops. 

After going through this article you will be able to discern wire and spiral binding. According to your need, you can opt for the binding type. Bind your copies only from the best binding manufacturer in your city for the best quality bindings at competitive rates. 

